Craig, 34, was diagnosed with a brain tumour and after having it removed and receiving care and some rehabilitation in the NHS was in a position where he had to get back to work.  He had a high pressure job and due to where his tumour was he had a number of difficulties that were making life challenging at work.  He had difficulties with thinking what he wanted to say and how to say it, spelling, taking notes, talking on the phone and conducting meetings because of his acquired communication difficulties. He came to speech and language therapy to improve his ability in the areas affecting his work.

Craig was on a phased return to work and so came to therapy twice a week for 60 minutes and completed a home programme along side this for 12 weeks. As well as working on his impairments, we were able to stage work tasks and activities so he could practice his skills in a safe environment such as speaking on the phone.

Within therapy we were able to maximise his abilities within this recovery period, Craig reported:

Improved ability to organise his thoughts and get across what he wanted to say, improved organisation and flow of reports he needed to write at work, improved spelling ability and a change to write key words to support note taking in meetings. Confident in his ability on the phone and the speed at which he was able to converse. Although less frequent Craig continues to access therapy to improve his communication performance at work.

For more information, or to book an assessment for Speech and Language Therapy, please call MOTIONrehab’s Client Services Team 0800 8600 138 or email: