Charlotte Bamber

Charlotte Bamber, Neurological Physiotherapist, MOTIONrehab York

Kathryn Johnson, Neurological Physiotherapist.

Kathryn Johnson, Neurological Physiotherapist, MOTIONrehab York.









MOTIONrehab York client Julie, had a subarachnoid haemorrhage in 2016. Following a long period of intensive care in hospital Julie was transferred to a number of rehabilitation wards/facilities before being discharged to supported living accommodation in 2018.

When Julie first came to Kathryn and Charlotte at MOTIONrehab, Julie was completely dependent on using a hoist with two carers for all her transfers.

Julie’s goals included:

  • being able to transfer without the use of the hoist
  • being able to make small meals/snacks in her kitchen at home.
  • being able to get around her flat and  accommodation with the use of her powered wheelchair

Julie has weekly therapy sessions at MOTIONrehab York and she is making good progress towards her goals. 

Julie is is now able to:

  • transfer with the use of a stand & turn aid
  • able to get from lying to sitting independently
  • uses her powered wheelchair every
  • makes her own coffee in her kitchen

Julie says she enjoys her therapy sessions and feels “more relaxed” after treatment! Her therapists, Kathryn and Charlotte, also regularly liaise with other multi-disciplinary services including care teams, orthotics, wheelchair services and botulinum toxin clinics to optimise Julie’s rehabilitation. 

For more information or to book an assessment for Neurological Physiotherapy at MOTIONrehab York, please call MOTIONrehab’s Client Services Team on 0800 8600 138 or email: