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MOTIONrehab, are recognised experts in the field of Neurological Rehabilitation. The multi-disciplinary team has great success in improving the quality of life of adults and children with neurological impairments, difficulties or disabilities due to disease or injury of the brain or spinal cord. MOTIONrehab are renowned for their person-centred approach to therapy, personalising each individual’s therapy to enable everybody to achieve their full potential.
MOTIONrehab has been delivering independent private rehabilitation for over 10 years in our clinics, private rehabilitation hospitals and in people’s homes across the Yorkshire and Humberside region. In April 2018, MOTIONrehab launched the UK’s first Intensive Neurological Rehabilitation Centre in Leeds. MOTIONrehab’s Intensive Rehabilitation Packages includes 80 hours of neurological rehabilitation over 4-7 weeks with specialist one to one hands-on therapy from experienced and highly skilled clinicians. Uniquely, clients also spend time receiving high-intensity training on both upper and lower limb robotic and virtual reality devices. This allows patients to practice high-repitions of movement which is crucial to recovery and better outcomes.
Do you or somebody you know have difficulties with:
- Walking
- Balance
- Limited hand and arm function
- Muscle weakness
- Spasms or Spasticity
- Foot Drop
- Falls
- Carrying out day to day activities?

Call us now on
0800 860 0138 / 01423 608081

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