Jason’s Story – Jason attended MOTIONrehab Leeds, completing his 80-hour intensive neurorehabilitation package in 8 weeks consisting of 4 hours per day over 3 days.
He sustained an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury following an accident where he fell backwards and landed on his back, bursting one of his vertebrae in his lower back causing the damage to his spinal cord.

Following an initial assessment, areas were identified which were affecting Jason daily. He had significant pain in his right ankle which was affecting his sleep. He was unable to stand for more than 15-minutes without being in considerable pain and was unable to stand with equal weight on both legs. One of Jason’s main goals was to be able play with his children again and return to 5-a-side football.
Jason’s 80-hours of rehabilitation included; hands-on Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy as well as exercise sessions with our specialised Trainers. Alongside these interventions Jason used MOTIONrehab’s robotic gait trainer and balance trainer. He also took part in virtual reality activities with gamification to enable high repetitions of correct movement patterns.
MOTIONrehab completed outcome measures at the start of his rehabilitation package and again at the end to see if any improvements had been made. On his initial 10-metre walk test, Jason took 26 steps in 19 seconds. On his final 10-metre walk test he took 14 steps in 7 seconds. As you can see from the before and after videos, Jason is now able to walk independently without use of a walking stick and he is able to take larger steps at a greater speed which indicates an improvement in balance.
With Jason we were also able to complete the HiMat (Higher Level Mobility Assessment Tool) which looks at hopping, bounding, uneven walking and walking backwards. His initial HiMat was completed 2 weeks before the end of his package where he scored 30/54 with the final HiMat taking place on the final day where he scored 33/54. Even in this short period of time, improvements in functional activities and higher-level activities were evident.
We were able to work outside the box with Jason, where we worked on his goal to return to playing football. Jason completed shuttle runs and lateral hopping exercises in MOTIONrehab’s car park. Jason also worked/exercised in different positions, for example, in high kneeling, completing thrusters with the use of a kettlebell overhead to make it a little more challenging.
Jason now has no pain in his right ankle, his legs are less stiff, and he feels much stronger. He is continuing to progress fitness wise. The main goal Jason achieved is that Jason is now able to take and pick his children up from school, take them to the park and play.
Jason made fantastic progress whilst with us in Leeds, his determination to be fitter and stronger assisted us on his rehabilitation journey!
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