MOTIONrehab Clinical Director, Sarah Daniel

MOTIONrehab Supporting Physiotherapy Education. In the last couple of weeks MOTIONrehab has had the privilege to work with MSc Pre-registration students at the University of Hull and University of Cumbria.

University of Hull

On Friday the 10th February, Sarah Daniel joined forces with colleagues Fran Ibson and JulieParker from SJP Law Firm, to present at the University of Hull about the role of a Physiotherapist in Medico-legal Practice.

Sarah and the team at MOTIONrehab have worked with the Medico-legal sector providing treatment for patients activity litigating or following settlement for complex injuries. MOTIONrehab also provide Expert Witness for adult and paediatric catastrophic injury cases.

The joint presentation from MOTIONrehab and SJP looked at the role of an Expert Witness and shared her knowledge and experience. Sarah discussed the career opportunities and associated responsibilities. It also provided a great opportunity to promote the role of the MLACP (Medico-Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) in providing post-graduate training and peer support for physiotherapists considering a career in Medico-legal practice.  

This week Sarah travelled north to the University of Cumbria based in Carlisle. MOTIONrehab were invited as a guest lecturer to discuss the  integration of Technology into Neurological Physiotherapy Practice.

University of Cumbria

MOTIONrehab shared their wealth of experience in the field of rehabilitation technologies and presented their concept of rehabilitation augmented by robotics and VR technology. It triggered some interesting discussion points, including considering literature, robotics and healthcare and enhancing clinical outcomes for patients. 

Thank you to Elena Cockerill and  Frances Sapsford for the invitations.

MOTIONrehab Supporting Physiotherapy Education