MOTIONrehab welcomes Churchill Fellow, Phil Ladlow, from Hobart, Australia.

MOTIONrehab welcomes Churchill Fellow, Phil Ladlow, from Hobart, Australia.

The Churchill Fellowship was set up when Sir Winston Churchill died in 1965 as his national memorial. The Churchill Fellowship carries forward his legacy by funding life-changing opportunities for successful Fellows to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are passionate about. Applicants are empowered to design their own projects to explore international best practice and innovation that can be applied in Australia.

In 2020 Phil Ladlow was successfully awarded the Churchill Fellowship, but his travels were placed on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Phil is originally from Melbourne, moving to Hobart in 1992 to provide Physiotherapy to the community (& indulge in his love of the great outdoors!).



He has a passion for the utilisation of education and movement-based therapy as a means of engaging, motivating and empowering clients in optimising their health and function and achieving their goals.

As a 2020 Churchill Fellow Phil is exploring ways to maximise recovery from neurological injury & disease, through the utilisation of biotechnology including virtual reality, robotics and other neuroplasticity enhancing devices.

He aims to gain knowledge, experience and best practice to inspire positive change in his professional practice and positively influence his local community, and society as a whole. We are extremely honoured that Phil Ladlow selected MOTIONrehab as the only clinic in the UK as part of his world tour of innovators in the rehabilitation industry. It was a pleasure to welcome Phil last week in our clinics to share ideas and our rehabilitation approach.

MOTIONrehab welcomes Churchill Fellow, Phil Ladlow, from Hobart, Australia.

Phil’s experience at MOTIONrehab

“As part of my 8-week world tour for my Churchill Fellowship – exploring the utilisation of biotechnology & its promotion of neuroplasticity in neurological disease & injury – I had the pleasure of spending 3 days at MOTIONrehab’s clinics in Leeds & Hull.

This organisation and its facilities are justly famous as leaders in high intensity, task based, high volume rehabilitation providing specialised programmes for clients from across the UK and internationally, with neurological injury & disease.

Sarah & her staff were amazing – highly skilled, inclusive, friendly and compassionate – educating, motivating & guiding their clients in their respective recovery journeys.

The facilities were world class and the equipment and resources mind blowing. Sarah Daniel, the Director of MOTIONrehab provided a comprehensive and action-packed schedule that has left me inspired and buzzing.

I very much appreciated all the members of staffs’ generosity, enthusiasm and expertise.

My study tour continues with a visit to Spain prior to further investigation of clinics and operations in Italy, Austria, Croatia & Germany.

Thanks again to Sarah and her crew – you’ll be a tough act to follow”

Phil Ladlow
Principal Physiotherapist, Clinical Partner & Churchill Recipient AllCare Physiotherapy