MOTIONrehab's Charlotte Foxton speaks at Ramsdens Solicitors Child Abuse Conference

MOTIONrehab’s Charlotte Foxton speaks at Ramsdens Solicitors Child Abuse Conference.

MOTIONrehab’s Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist was invited to speak at Ramsdens Solicitors Child Abuse Conference.  The Child Abuse Conference: Working Together to Tackle Child Abuse took place on the 15th November from 4:30-6:30pm at The Chambers Park Place, Leeds.

The conference was chaired by NATALIE MARRISON, Head of Abuse at Ramsdens and panellists include James Counsell from Outer Temple Chambers, Richard Copnall from Parklane Plowden Chambers, Sam Warner, Charlotte Foxton from MOTIONrehab, Paul Martin and Paul Redfearn FPFS ACIB from Brewin Dolphin and Joanne Coen from Ramsdens’ Child Care team.