Steve sustained a traumatic brain injury when he was hit by a car when out walking his dog. Steve explained that his head injuries were so extensive that his wife was told to start making arrangements for his funeral. He was taken to hospital and placed in an induced coma for six weeks and then transferred to a rehabilitation centre for two months.
When Steve came to MOTIONrehab his main problems were dizziness when turning in bed and bending down, headaches in the morning and fatigue. He also had weakness in his left foot and poor core strength and he was unable to balance on his left leg or when his feet were together without falling. Prior to his accident Steve was active in his work life and enjoyed playing bowls and doing DIY.
In his treatment sessions Steve worked hard on his challenging balance activities and achieved full marks on standard balance tests. At the end of his treatment Steve was even able to complete a high-level mobility assessment that included running, hoping, skipping and jumping.
Steve responded positively to treatment techniques to stop his dizziness and no longer complains of dizziness when turning over in bed or when bending down and no longer suffers with morning headaches.
When his balance had improved Steve started a gentle exercise programme at his local gym and gradually progressed to a 45 minute cardio-vascular and weights exercise programme. This improved his function at home and was able to complete his DIY tasks that he enjoyed though he still needed to break down some of the longer activities into manageable chunks.
Since his discharge from MOTIONrehab Steve reports that following surgery to put a metal plate in his skull he has returned to the gym and is gradually working towards full fitness. He can now complete his DIY tasks quickly without any adverse effects.
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