PABLO is one of the devices from the TYROSOLUTION by TYROMOTION. MOTIONrehab is unique as it is the only private rehabilitation company in the United Kingdom to have the complete TYROSOLUTION under one roof enabling high-intensity rehabilitation for all phases of neurological rehabilitation.
PABLO is a motion sensor and biofeedback device that enables relearning of the upper body, arm, hand and finger movements including grasping, reaching, pinching, and lifting. The PABLO’s unique design allows you to exercise in a range of positions and postures including kneeling, sitting and standing, thereby helping with your balance and stability, whilst the biofeedback gives you information on your performance. The diversity of the PABLO allows you to carry out full body exercise and provides motivating and increasingly challenging games to enhance rehabilitation outcomes.
The set up of the device can be tailored to each your ability and level of function. The challenging and dynamic activities are progressed to the users ability keeping therapy motivating and challenging.
The evaluation programs included in the software, such as the Force Control Index, as well as the large selection of therapy games help with motivation to complete tasks. With PABLO, the therapy progress is easily trackable and therapy achievements are clearly visible on the screen giving you immediate feedback. Even if you cannot feel the progress you will be able to see it visually on the screen. Patients tell us the games are fun and each game result is saved and can be recalled at any time. The therapist has full control: they can adjust the control settings and difficulty levels to you. This guarantees therapy at your maximum limit of performance. Audiovisual and haptic feedback ensures full attention and more motivation.
For more information about PABLO, intensive rehabilitation or to book an assessment, please call the MOTIONrehab Client Services Team on 0800 860 0138 / 01423 608081 or email

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