OMEGO robotic gait trainer
OMEGO robotic gait trainer is a lower limb robotic rehabilitation device for people following a Stroke, Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and many other Neurological Conditions as well as Poly Trauma.
The OMEGO is unique in that it offers single or bilateral leg training with a variety of functions. This means either one or both legs can be trained with functions such as sensory training, strengthening, stepping, cycling, and coordination tasks, as well as, specific ankle training.
OMEGO’s sensors and robotics help to identify any lack of symmetry or sensation, as well as, detecting spasticity in the movement of the lower limbs. The OMEGO enables the therapist to identify movement deficits and train the correct sequence of movements needed to facilitate standing, balancing and walking. The device provides feedback on performance to maximise therapy outcomes.
OMEGO is used as part of a gait training programme to provide precise, high repetition training that is motivating and interesting. MOTIONrehab incorporates specific lower limb training with the OMEGO to help clients to achieve their goals and reach their potential.
For more information, about MOTIONrehab’s Intensive Neurological Rehabilitation Programmes at our Leeds, Hull and Doncaster clinics, please call MOTIONrehab’s Client Services Team on 0800 8600 138 or email: info@motionrehab.co.uk

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